*filosofi liburan berfaedah* Sumber: Pribadi |
I’m not such an expert, I’m just an amateur who love to try. I love cooking, even though I'm not really good at it, but at least I try to do some kind of experiments in my spare time, try various recipes with my sister or by myself, or at least help my mother in the kitchen. Even though it’s not always working, at least I’ve tried. I love traveling, even it's just a very modest trip, and not much places I've been to, at least I've tried to go there. I learn to knit, I made something unrecognizable-what-is-that-omg, maybe it’s useless and I keep trying over and over again. Guess what, fail again? Yap, but at least I’m trying. I like making DIYs, probably it’s just a trash in my mom’s view, but at least I’m doing what I think it’s right. I love listening to music, even though I barely understand its meaning, however, I feel extremely happy when I can play one of classic children song, and probably that’s all I can do so far. I like capturing moments in pictures and words, even though I don’t understand how to do it, at least I try. I like managing a business even what I’ve seen from my dad is hardwork, once I think maybe it’s worthy to earn money by myself, but apparently I keep failing day by day. I love learning foreign languages, probably this is the creepiest thing that I love, but I feel so glad when I can say ‘hello’ in different words. From everything I’ve learned, I know, somehow…something maybe meant for me, maybe the other things don’t. There’s not much I know in this life, but I keep digging and trying to know more. But the worst thing of all, I used to be afraid to express myself. Until someone tell me that “how would the world know you if you don’t show the world about who you are?”
Maybe I was just too afraid to get
out of my comfort zone, too afraid to take risks, too lazy to do something
extraordinary. Then I think, what makes me different from others?
Terinspirasi dari Kartini yang
mencetak sejarah lewat pena. What’s so hard about writing? Back to the top, I’m
just an amateur who loves to try, and this is one of the other things: writing,
write about anything, could be what I’ve done, what I like, just anything, even
though I know, as I’ve told you above, I’ve failed for a hundred times, but it doesn’t
matter, I’ll keep writing about those things.
Tapi ini hanya senandika: ketika
sang tokoh utama berbicara pada dirinya sendiri, bukan untuk didengar oleh
orang lain, hanya sekadar mengucapkan apa yang diinginkannya.
Dalam diorama: hanya dunia kecil, miniatur dengan pemandangan indah, dimana hanya ada satu patung yaitu diriku sendiri.
Dalam diorama: hanya dunia kecil, miniatur dengan pemandangan indah, dimana hanya ada satu patung yaitu diriku sendiri.
The fact is, I’m one of the luckiest
people that could study in college, especially in Indonesia. Menurut data Badan
Pusat Statistik tahun 2016, hanya 11,2 juta jiwa atau 10% dari total 114 juta
jiwa angkatan kerja di Indonesia yang menempuh pendidikan hingga perguruan
tinggi. Menurut UU No. 13 Tahun 2003, definisi tenaga kerja adalah mereka yang berusia 15-64 tahun,
yang mau dan mampu bekerja. Berarti, siswa yang masih duduk di bangku sekolah/mahasiswa, ibu rumah tangga, dan kaum difabel
tidak masuk ke dalam kategori angkatan kerja produktif. Mereka ada di luar
kelompok sebesar 114 juta jiwa itu. Then, what makes me different with others if I just
sit in the class and doing nothing?
People are telling the truth, ketika
orang-orang bilang bahwa kegagalan adalah kesuksesan yang tertunda, they must’ve
been talking about me. That's what I felt, I was drowning deep in a dark ocean in 2014,
my love life, my study, my family, everything was so awful. Kemudian memutar
otak, I can’t always be like this and I won't and I can't fail AGAIN. What makes me always be the ‘same me’? A
girl who was overly ordinary, didn’t give anything to the world meanwhile the
world has given everything to me. What made me fell off the cliff? Will I always be drowning like that? Then, I think I have to climb
the cliff to get off of this darkness. I can’t be mourning forever and I won’t
rewind my failure. So here it begins:)
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